begeisterndes Ultraweitwinkel für APS-C

Das Samyang 10 mm F2.8 ist ein wahrhaftig beachtenswertes Superweitwinkel, speziell konstruiert nur für APS-C-Sensoren. Ein Ultraweitwinkel der Superklasse – für die gern belächelte Crop-Klasse unter den Spiegelreflexkameras.

Ein „echtes“ Ultraweitwinkel für APS-C – und KEIN Fisheye!

Erstmals 2013 der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt, bietet dieses Objektiv keine überholte Technik, sondern ist wirklich „up to date“. Und das, obwohl man dieses Objektiv voll manuell bedienen muss – außer man hat einen Nikon-Body, so dass man zumindest die Blende von er Kamera aus steuern kann. Die optische Leistungsfähigkeit des Samyang 10 mm F2.8 jedoch ist absolutes „High-End“.

Umso interessanter also ist es, einen Blick auf dieses Objektiv zu werfen, derweil die kleineren Crop-Sensoren gern belächelt werden – wie ein kleiner und vorlauter Bruder des Vollformats. Umso lohnenswerter auch ist ein Blick auf dieses Objektiv, weil Samyang verstanden hat, dass man, wo der kleinere Sensor dieselbe Auflösung in Pixeln liefern muss, man das bessere optische Werkzeug benötigt. – Am Ende aber auch lohnenswert ist der Blick auf das Samyang 10 mm F2.8, weil es ein Ultraweitwinkel mit fester Brennweite ist, das vollkorrigiert ist… und eben KEIN Fisheye!

Schaut Euch also meine Videos zu diesem Objektiv an: der Erfahrungsbericht – und das ergänzende Video mit zusätzlichen Informationen und zusätzlichem Anschauungsmaterial.

Man kann durchaus ein Foto wie dieses auch mit einem Zoom-Objektiv machen, das eine Brennweite von 10 mm mit einschließt:

Jedoch, man kann ein solches Foto mit einem Zoom-Objektiv nicht in dieser Qualität aufnehmen. Nicht mit dieser Schärfeleistung, nicht mit solcher Schärfe bis in die Ecken, nicht mit so geringer Krümmung, und nicht mit so schwachen chromatischen Aberrationen.

Das Samyang 10 mm F2.8 macht also mehr aus einem APS-C-Sensor: Es ist ein Ultraweitwinkel, das höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht wird.

Ich bedauere es wirklich, dass ich in dieses Template (sorry, WordPress nennt so etwas „theme“) keine größeren Fotos einbinden kann. Weder unmittelbar im Blog-Beitrag (was ich noch gut verstehen könnte), noch in gesonderter Darstellung der Grafik. Das ist ein echtes Manko.

Mehr jedoch könnt Ihr in meinem Video-Erfahrungsbericht und in meinem ergänzenden Video zum Samyang 10 mm F2.8 erfahren.

all-rounder EF-S 24 mm f/2.8 STM – review

I had made a german video about the Canon EF-S 24 mm f/2.8 STM all-round APS-C-lens, a more less than more spectacular lens for APS-C-cameras. Nevertheless it is a kind all-rounder. – Now here is the english video, not simply as a translation of the german video, but really an original video with some additional examples and pictures.

Canon takes us by surprise with this cheap EF-S 24 mm f/2.8 STM !


The EF-S 24 mm f/2.8 STM is very unspectacular – but offers very surprising results. This lens does not try to be a specialist in any use. It is rather more an all-rounder. It is rather more the not conspicuous companion and the completely unburdening assistant. So this special lens only for APS-C-cameras has really deserved some attention! While this lens with complete justification fights for a silver or bronze medal I needed to offer you a review via youtube.


For me it was the neccessarity to have a lens with a shorter focal distance than 35 mm. At the same time offering better results than the EF-S 15-85 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM. It was my inner refusal to pay the money for an EF 24 mm f/2.8 IS USM, that is as low-priced or as expensive as an EF 35 mm f/2.0 IS USM – but by far not as good as that! – The price of 150 Euro, spent for the 24-mm-pancake, was the low risk for a surprising good deal.

common all-rounder far better than bad average

Later image editing changes photographs, taken with a Canon EF-S 24 mm f/2.8 STM, to the better. Nevertheless, beyond the best the results are really remarkable! See my video and find out, if this lens might be a lens for you. But let me promise you: This all-round lens is more than a lens better than none! And is much more than a bad average. If you level the results up by more or less image editing, the EF-S 24 mm STM becomes a really good and modest companion to serve your ambitions.


Many examples, included in my video, will show you the advantages and disadvantages of this lens. See the weaknesses and strengths of the Canon EF-S 24 mm F/2.8 STM via 100-%-details. Be surprised and wonder about a real low-budget-lens – landing far beyond low-budget-results.

Samyang 10 mm F2.8 – english review

My video review for Samyang 10 mm F2.8 now with an english spoken comment!

+ additional video with new comparisons concerning vignetting and sharpness.


I did prepare an english version of my video review about the Samyang 10 mm F2.8. Furterhmore there is now an additional video of under 4 minutes. You should be able to evaluate by your own. The Samyang 10 mm F2.8 is an ultra wideangle lens, specially for APS-C-cameras. It is a class at it’s own.

The pictures I show, are mostly the same as in the german version of that video. However, you can really find a little bonus of picture and information. So you can learn a little more about this lens or about APS-C-sensors than I offer in the german version.

The Samyang 10 mm F2.8 is a lens only for APS-C-sensored cameras that does not offer common comfort, but extraordinary quality at an ultrawide angle.

See my video on Youtube!

It is really worthwhile to have a look on the Samyang 10 mm F2.8, if you are looking for an ultrawide angle lens for your APS-C-camera. The lens is fully manually – but the only prime lens with such a focal length. So if you are at odds with the zoom lenses you can find servering the ultra wide angle, because of bluring corners, strong distortion or extrem cromatic aberation… Here you are! This might be your next lens!

– My video includes many different pictures to show the abilities of the Samyang 10 mm F2.8, an ultra wide angle lens for APS-C only. –

I myself was uncertain, when I heard of that lens. Some videos and a website helped me… not to trust in the lens, but to dare to buy it. That, however, is the reason, why I want to show different pictures to make the ability visible for everyone who is interested in buying an ultra wide angle lens for his APS-C-camera – and everyone who is in doubt with the Samyang 10 mm F2.8: You don’t need to hear or to read hymns of praise! You need to see different results to weigh up by yourself, if this lens might be the right lens for you.

While I’m not able to embed pictures of adequate size into this template, I think it is the most easy way to present you a video review and a short additional video via Youtube to show you the ability of this unusual lens. The pictures included, are set on 1.920 x 1.080 pixel – you need to know for many 100-%-cutouts, I present.

For detailed technical information, specially about this lens and with a clear chart, go to the web site of Samyang.

I hope you enjoy 🙂